
Skin tightening after lipedema surgery

At LipoVida, we not only attach great importance to you being pain-free, but also to an aesthetically pleasing result. Because we understand that appearance is just as important as well-being. Therefore, in some cases it may be advisable to perform a skin tightening procedure in addition to liposuction. We offer two tightening methods: cool plasma tightening and surgical skin tightening. Each method has its own advantages and is suitable for different needs. Our experienced experts will be happy to advise you on site and work with you to find the best tightening method for your individual goals.

Skin tightening

Cool plasma skin tightening

In scar-free plasma tightening with Renuvion®, a helium plasma jet acts directly under the skin, penetrating the entire tissue and thus ensuring gentle and lasting tissue tightening. Above all, the treatment also stimulates the formation of new collagen, which helps to smooth the skin.

In principle, plasma tightening only has advantages. It leads to a significant tightening of the connective tissue without scarring and also contributes to an even skin texture. We do not need any additional incisions as the same incisions are used as for liposuction, and it can be ideally combined with liposuction.

We can tighten all areas with this procedure. Typically arms and legs, but also abdomen, back including waist and flanks, buttocks, chin and neck.

The risks of a plasma lift are very low with our experienced application. Theoretically, improper application could result in minor burns to the skin, otherwise the risks are as low as with liposuction itself. It is not for nothing that this skin tightening procedure has been expressly approved by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in the USA for skin tightening after liposuction, as it is particularly safe and effective.

Skin tightening

Surgical skin tightening

Surgical tightening involves removing excess skin so that the edges of the wound can be reattached using a fine suture. This is used when the excess skin is so large that a minimally invasive skin tightening procedure is no longer sufficient. The resulting scars are usually hidden so that they are not immediately visible at first glance.

Skin tightening may be necessary if there is excess skin after a large-volume liposuction and the skin is unable to regress on its own or if the skin already has low elasticity, for example after large weight fluctuations or a congenital weakness of the connective tissue.

In surgical skin tightening, we very often treat the upper arms to avoid the so-called angular arms, or perform a thigh lift (inner thighs). These procedures are also frequently used in abdominoplasty. We distinguish here between a pure lower abdominoplasty (where only the excess skin is removed) and a classic abdominoplasty, where there is more excess skin. In classic abdominoplasty, the navel is moved and a rectus diastasis (softening of the abdominal muscles resulting in a longitudinal bulge in the middle of the abdomen) can also be closed in the same operation.

Let us inform you in detail about all procedures and the necessity of skin tightening in your case during our consultation. We will advise you openly and transparently.