
Surgical treatment of lipedema: liposuction

Surgical treatment of lipedema focuses on liposuction, also known as fat removal. This method is particularly effective because it specifically removes the excessive fat deposits that typically occur in lipedema. In contrast to conservative therapy, which primarily helps to alleviate the symptoms, liposuction can not only stop the progression of the disease, but also contribute to lasting freedom from symptoms and thus prevent possible relapses. To ensure equally successful therapy, we always recommend that our patients consult a clinic specializing in lipedema, as inadequate liposuction would not bring lasting success here. In contrast to purely aesthetic liposuction, the treatment here must be as radical as possible so that all diseased fat cells can be completely removed. Only in this way can the desired long-term therapeutic success be achieved.
Before you decide on liposuction, it is advisable to have a thorough examination and consultation with an experienced specialist to clarify your individual needs and risks and to determine a suitable treatment strategy.
That is why we at LipoVida take a lot of time in our consultations to work out the right treatment plan for you.
At LipoVida, we not only place great emphasis on pain relief and the improvement of physical complaints, but also on aesthetics. We want you to feel good in your body as well as being healthy. Our experienced team is at your side throughout the entire treatment process to ensure that your needs and wishes are taken into account.


Liposuction for lipedema – what is done?

During liposuction, the excess fatty tissue is removed as radically as possible from the affected areas.
Before the operation, the areas to be operated on are marked while the patient is standing, in accordance with the previously prepared surgical plan. This is done while the patient is standing because lying down would change the body contour and we would not be able to achieve the desired aesthetic result.
In the operating theater, our experienced anesthetists will gently put you under general anesthesia. All areas that are not to be treated will be covered with a warming blanket to prevent you from getting too cold during the operation. Then small incisions (max. 5 mm) will be made through which the cannulas will be inserted under the skin. The incisions are made as inconspicuously as possible, e.g. near joints or in skin folds, so that they are not immediately visible. The scars fade over time and are barely visible after 6-12 months.
The procedure begins with the injection of a special tumescent solution that numbs and loosens the fatty tissue. This solution also contains adrenaline, which constricts the small blood vessels in the fatty tissue, thus reducing the bruising. After a certain amount of time for the solution to take effect, we insert a thin suction cannula into the affected areas through the small incisions in the skin. By gently moving the cannula back and forth, the excess fatty tissue is loosened and suctioned off, taking care to protect the surrounding tissues and structures.
After the liposuction, the incisions are not closed so that the wound fluid can drain away. A major advantage here is that the tissue tension can be significantly reduced after the operation due to the expected tendency to swell, thus also reducing the pain after the operation.
From an aesthetic point of view, it makes no difference whether the small incisions are sutured or not. The compression garment is then put on directly in the operating theater to support the healing of the wound and reduce swelling.

PAL method

There are various methods of liposuction. In our operations, we use the PAL method (power-assisted liposuction), an advanced liposuction technique. This method uses a vibrating cannula to suction fat tissue efficiently and, above all, gently. The vibrations help to gently loosen the fat tissue, which makes it easier to remove the fat and reduces the risk of complications. This also allows for the removal of hardening within the lipedema fat. The PAL method enables precise and gentle liposuction, which can lead to better aesthetic results and faster recovery.

Why are lipedema operations performed under general anesthesia?

Liposuctions at LipoVida are performed under general anesthesia to ensure the highest level of comfort and safety for our patients during the procedure. General anesthesia allows us to ensure that you are pain-free throughout the entire procedure and that our team can fully concentrate on performing the surgery. In addition, general anesthesia allows for better control of muscle relaxation and more precise work, which can lead to optimal aesthetic results. Our experienced anesthetists will carefully monitor you throughout the procedure to ensure your safety and make sure you wake up safe and comfortable after the operation. In addition, general anesthesia allows us to address significantly larger volumes of fat than would be possible, for example, under sedation.

We treat these areas of the body

We treat a wide range of body areas with our liposuctions, typically including the legs, arms, hips and stomach regions. Our experienced team adapts the treatment to the individual needs of each patient in order to achieve optimal aesthetic results and restore a harmonious body contour.

Everything at a glance


Duration of surgery

Depending on the area, 2-4 hours


General anesthesia

Stay in hospital

One overnight stay in the clinic

Follow-up treatment

6 weeks of compression day and night, then 6 weeks during the day

Fit for work

Approx. 2 weeks


Approx. 4 weeks after the operation (depending on the type of sport)

The costs of liposuction

With regard to the costs of liposuction for lipedema, it is important to know that statutory health insurance funds only cover this operation in rare cases. But don’t worry, we will be happy to help you apply for coverage.
It is advisable to speak to your tax advisor or tax office in advance, as you can claim the costs of a lipedema operation up to a certain amount as an extraordinary expense.
The costs of a lipedema operation vary depending on the size of the affected areas and the volume to be suctioned. Depending on the individual findings, two to four operations are necessary to achieve an optimal result. You will receive more detailed information on the costs as part of an individual treatment plan, which we will be happy to prepare for you during your consultation.
Our aim is to make the treatment as efficient as possible while achieving the best possible result. This means treating the maximum possible in each operation in order to achieve the best result for you with as few operations as possible.


Frequently asked questions

The right time for an operation depends on several factors.
First of all, the diagnosis must be established so that you can be sure that it is a chronic disease that cannot be treated or can only be treated inadequately with other measures. That is why the educational work that we have been doing for a long time is so important. Because many affected patients are still not taken seriously enough, even by medical colleagues.
Once the diagnosis has been made, the first option is of course conservative therapy. Due to the “special prescription requirement”, you are entitled to manual lymph drainage and compression treatment at the expense of the health insurance company in accordance with the Therapeutic Products Ordinance.
If this treatment is not enough for you because your symptoms do not improve significantly, you want a permanent reduction in the circumference of the extremities and adjacent areas without further relapses, or you do not want to wear a compression corset permanently, then surgery is the appropriate therapy for you.
The advantages of an early diagnosis and operation are obvious. The less pronounced the disease, the less the skin is stretched. This means that you will have fewer operations and a tighter skin appearance, as the skin can retract better. In addition, you can enjoy your newly acquired, symptom-free life for longer!
In summary, it is of course up to each individual to decide when the right time has come to take this step.
That is why we will be happy to provide you with detailed advice and support.

We are familiar with classic liposuction mainly from the aesthetic sector, where we are not usually dealing with a disease but rather with unattractive fat deposits that are purely visually disturbing. The aim of liposuction here is primarily to create a harmonious body shape. The focus is therefore on the purely body-shaping component, and the suction volumes are not as large, as the fat layer does not have to be removed so radically. In this case, it is almost only the appearance that counts.
Liposuction of lipedema must be carried out much more thoroughly, because ultimately we want the operation to completely remove all diseased fat cells so that you remain free of symptoms without having to fear further relapses. This means, on the one hand, that the suction volume is significantly larger and the suction is more extensive, because we want to achieve the best possible result for you with as few operations as possible.

Every operation carries risks. However, the risks of liposuction can be minimized if the operation is performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon. Despite the greatest care, complications can occur during or after the operation, as with any surgical procedure. However, experience has shown that the risk potential is low with our operations.
As with any operation, there is a general risk of bruising and minor bleeding. Swelling and a feeling of tension due to increased accumulation of wound fluid occur in the first few weeks after the operation. The risk of infection and thrombosis is considered to be low. Allergies and intolerances may occur when administering medication or anesthetics. After the operation, numbness of the skin may occur, but this will subside again. Initial superficial skin irregularities usually disappear during the healing process, which takes several months, once the wound fluid has been completely absorbed and scarred hardening in the connective tissue has dissolved. If the skin does not retract as expected after a large-scale liposuction, excess skin may result. We usually treat any excess skin directly at the same time. We have the option of a minimally invasive plasma (Renuvion®) lift or a surgical lift, in which the excess skin is removed. You can also receive detailed advice on this during our consultation hours.

The procedure is performed under general anesthesia. It is possible that postoperative pain will occur after the procedure, which patients often describe as intense muscle soreness. However, the discomfort can usually be controlled with standard painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol. In addition, swelling and bruising will occur for a certain period of time, which is normal. However, if the healing process is normal, patients will quickly be mobile again.

On the day of the operation, you will be welcomed at our clinic. You will then either be taken to your patient room or directly to the operating theater preparation room. Your surgeon will come to you and discuss the planned areas of the operation with you once again. In order to achieve a natural body shape, we carefully plan the modeling of the affected areas of the body before the procedure by marking them on you while you are standing.Any questions can be discussed at this point. The anesthetist will then come to you to prepare you for the operation and to accompany you to the operating room. After the operation, you will be taken back to your room via the recovery room, where you will be warmed up and given infusions. The next day, you will receive your first manual lymph drainage treatment at our clinic and can be discharged at around 10:00 – 11:00 a.m. after a balanced breakfast.

After surgical treatment of lipedema, it may still be necessary to continue or at least supplement further conservative therapy. This includes, for example, wearing compression garments, regular lymph drainage, physical therapy or special exercise programs. These conservative measures can help to reduce swelling, support the function of the lymphatic system and optimize the long-term results of surgical treatment.
After surgery, we recommend that compression garments be worn consistently for about 8 weeks, along with regular manual lymph drainage during this period. In the early stages of the disease, this period is usually sufficient, i.e. conservative therapy is usually no longer necessary afterwards.

Our many years of experience show that lipedema does not return to the areas that have already been treated after a professional and thorough liposuction. However, the prerequisite for this is the correct choice of a clinic specializing in lipedema.

We recommend that our patients refrain from sports for the first 14 days after the operation. Of course, short walks or light gymnastics are allowed. After 14 days, you can start with light sports such as walking, cycling and swimming with moderate exertion. First visits to the gym are also possible. Here, we recommend increasing the number of repetitions with light weights. As the process continues, the exertion can be increased.